IceStation Install

IceStation installations offer a hassle-free experience. Our revolutionary design houses all essential components for your Power Unit to function, including the bag-in-box system, syrup pumps, and CO2 storage. This section will outline the requirements for a seamless IceStation installation.


Below are the dimensions of the IceStation and the additional height of the Power Units. Please note we will require extra space to make the install possible and allow for sufficient ventilation to prevent your Power Uni from over heating. Make sure your water and power supply are within 2 meters of the location you want the IceStation to be installed and are easily accessible.


Please allow at least 100mm around the Icestation and Power Units. These are these are the minimum required dimensions that installs are possible and you should allow more space wherever possible. 

Front View

Top View

Inside Your IceStation

The top two draws each holds 2x bag-in-box syrups that are connected to your Power Unit. The bottom draw holds 2x spare bag-in-box syrups. The right hand cupboard has space for C02 if your Power Unit is carbonated. The back section houses syrup pumps plus there’s room to upgrade to the IceBank performance pack. For more information watch our pre delivery information videos by clicking the button below.

Front View

Side View