Custom Install

Customs installs are perfect for when an IceStation install doesn't match your business needs. But please note due to there bespoke nature additional charges may apply.

Custom installations are available in two varieties: Under Counter and Back of House. This section will detail the distinctions between these setups and outline the requirements to ensure a smooth completion of your custom installation.

Under Counter

If you are having your Power Unit on a countertop, you will need the following space underneath the counter to accommodate the equipment. The space provided must be at least 725mm high, 1490mm wide and 520mm deep.

Under your counter we will install the following equipment: a BIB racking system which will hold 4x bag-in-box syrups that are connected to your machine, 1 or 2 CO2 gas bottles, syrup pumps, pressure regulator, water carbonator and optional IceBank performance pack. You will need to have a plug socket (ether 13amp or 32amp depending on your Power Unit) and a 15mm supply of potable water.

Please note, it is very important that ventilation is in place, either incorporated into the doors and if possible on top of the counter.

Back Of House

Your back-of-house locationmust be at least 2000mm high, 1000mm wide and 700mm deep.

The maximum distances from where the machine is situated and the back of house installation is 25m.

Your back-of-house location must accommodate the following equipmentequipment: a BIB racking system which will hold 4x bag-in-box syrups that are connected to your machine, 1 or 2 CO2 gas bottles, syrup pumps, pressure regulator, water carbonator and optional IceBank performance pack. You will need to have a plug socket (ether 13amp or 32amp depending on your Power Unit) and a 15mm supply of potable water.

Please note, it is very important that ventilation is in place, either incorporated into the doors and if possible on top of the counter.